What are the stages in Jannah for the righteous?
Question: What are the stages in Jannah for the righteous? Which people will enter Jannah first and which station are for those people? Please also provide references. I am very thankful for your help....
View ArticleWhat should one do if all parties except the mother of the boy approve of the...
Shortened Question: What should one do if all parties except the mother of the boy approve of the nikah? Question: A boy and a girl want to get married. Both families are happy except the mother of the...
View ArticleWhat advice should I give to my friend who likes her cousin?
Shortened Question: What advice should I give to my friend who likes her cousin? Question: Asalaamualaikum! Can I first please ask for this question not to be posted online? So my question is… I have a...
View ArticleI am engaged to someone and I would like a way of knowing if we are compatible.
Shortened Question: I would like to know if the person that I got engaged to 4 months is a suitable partner for me. Question: Assalamu alaikum wa Rahmatullah wa Barakathu, I got engaged almost 4 months...
View ArticleIs it Kufr to read oath to obtain my US Citizenship?
Question: I have emigrated from an arab muslim country to US and lived there for almost 20 years. I became a US citizens and gave up my original arab muslim country citizenship even though I can keep...
View ArticleDoes it matter who answers the question from Fatwa Department?
Shortened Question: Does it matter who answers the question from Fatwa Department? Question: I submitted my question to Fatwa Dept. at Jamiatul Ulama Kwa Zulu Natal. The Mufti who answered my question...
View ArticleDoes Jannat lies at the feet of all mothers?
Shortened Question: Does Jannat lies at the feet of all mothers? Question: Does Jannat lies at the feet of every mother or is there a criterion? A lot of children of mature age follow what their...
View ArticleIs wudu necessary after changing baby’s diaper?
Shortened Question: Is wudu necessary after changing baby’s diaper? Question: Sometimes I baby sit my grandson for my daughter. He climbs unto me during Salat. Hence, I check to see if his diaper needs...
View ArticleIs Qurbani permissible for an unborn child?
Shortened Question: Is Qurbani permissible for an unborn child? Question: Our daughter is due to give birth within another four months. Is it permissible for my husband and I to make Qurbani for our...
View ArticleShaving/removing of the moustache (mustache) with a razor, trimmer or scissors?
Shortened Question: Shaving/removing of the moustache (mustache) with a razor, trimmer or scissors? Question: Assalāmu `alaikum Warahmatullāhi Wabarakatuh. Muhtaram Brother, is it...
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